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PEIHAN YAO is a Chinese designer and a creator currently living in London, whose main areas of focus are visual design, publication design, photography, painting, creative direction. PEIHAN YAO is a Chinese designer and a creator currently living in London, whose main areas of focus are visual design, publication design, photography, painting, creative direction. 

The Book of Last Word
Book Design                                                                                                                                                      03/2019
Design: Peihan Yao

In most people’s minds (especially from the perspective of Chinese people), things related to death are regarded as taboo and bad luck. This project investigates end-of- life interactions that would make death look and sound so different, if only they could happen. This may be an opportunity for people to be more open-minded about deat.
The project involved the collection, classification and visualisation of people’s final words, culminating in a special concept book called The Book of Last Words. The aim is to remind people to look at death with a more optimistic and open attitude.

cover page
100 x 120MM

cover page
100 x 120MM